TOPEventSUMMER PHOTO CONTEST : CALL FOR PHOTOS! (~【Extension】until July. 29)

SUMMER PHOTO CONTEST : CALL FOR PHOTOS! (~【Extension】until July. 29)

A photo contest will be held at Central Library. Please send us photo of your “Summer adventures in year 2016 ~scenery,expression,experience~” by email.

Could you tell us your wonderful summer adventures? Such as the local summer event in your hometown, the summer festival you have seen while travelling, your best memory in summer etc…

Selected photos will be exhibited at International Students Corner (Central Library 3F) in middle of August.

There will be souvenirs for winners!
Participants whose photos will be chosen for the contest will receive souvenirs from Library.

[How to participate]

For: Students of Nagoya University

Deadline:July 15th, 2016 (Fri) ⇒【Extension】July 29th, 2016 (Fri)

Send to:

Format: Send us e-mail with attached photo (JPEG file) with the following required information.

Subject: “Photo Contest”


1. Your name (will not be disclosed)

2. School and Department, year of study

3. Student ID No. (will not be disclosed)

4. Your home countr

5. Story about photo (for example where, when and why you took the photo,  your memories, impression, etc.)

*Your personal information will be used for contact purpose only.
*Your photo data will be used for this contest only.


*By sending a photo you confirm that photo has been taken by you.

*You can submit only one photo.

For more information, please refer following flyer.
We are looking forward to seeing your photo!

【締切延長】ポスター①('16 SUMMER)_1 ポスター②('16 SUMMER)


カテゴリー: past events パーマリンク

