


◇方法:Zoom ※セミナールームAでオンライン受講可能(名大IDが必要)
◇講師:サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ
カテゴリー: 過去のイベント パーマリンク

Let’s Talk in English!

テーマトーク編/’Small Talk’
This is an event where you can talk about a theme, play simple language games, and casually chat in English.
    Introduction of A Favorite Book
◇Date:December 7 (thu), 2023, 16:30-17:15
◇Place:Learning Pod B (3F in Central Library)
Minecraft 編/’Minecraft’
英語スタッフと参加者が Minecraft の世界で会話を楽しむイベントです。
Minecraft がはじめての方はどんどん英語で質問しましょう!経験者は仲間に説明して会話力をどんどん UP させましょう!
Join us for a fun event where English-speaking staff and the participants can chat in English while enjoying the world of Minecraft.
If you’re new to Minecraft, ask your questions in English, and if you’re an experienced Minecraft player, explain the game to other participants and improve your conversation skills!
◇Date: December 11 (mon), 2023, 16:30-17:15
◇Format:Minecraft Education
◇Place:Learning Pod B (3F in Central Library)
◇Host:Support Desk Graduate Student Staff
    サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ
    All undergraduate and graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University

カテゴリー: 過去のイベント パーマリンク

How to Make an Academic Presentation

We are holding the event “How to Make an Academic Presentation”.
Our support staffs will share basic skills in making an academic presentation based on their experience. Participants can ask any questions.
We are looking forward to everyone’s participation.
◇Date: December 19 (tue), 2023, 15:30-16:15
◇For: All undergraduate and graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University
  ※ If you belong to Gifu University, please follow the instructions given by Gifu University Library.
◇Instructor: Support Desk Graduate Student Staff
◇Language: English
〈 Face to face 〉
◇Place: Seminar Room A (2F in Central Library)
〈 Online 〉
◇Format: Zoom

◇more info.:

カテゴリー: past events, お知らせ, 過去のイベント パーマリンク


  ※ 岐阜大学的成员请通过电子邮件的邀请链接线上参加。
〈 线下 〉
◇会场:Seminar Room A(中央图书馆2楼)
〈 线上 〉


カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

How to Write an Academic Report [TACT]

We provide the materials of “How to Write an Academic Report”, in which our support staff introduce the fundamental knowledge of academic writing and share the writing techniques to help students who need to write academic reports.
We hope the materials will be helpful.

◇For: All undergraduate and graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University
◇Instructor: Support Desk Graduate Student Staff
◇Language: English

◇more info.:

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク