TOPEventLogical Thinking Skills for Academic Writing

Logical Thinking Skills for Academic Writing

he workshop series will be conducted online via Zoom. If you are an undergraduate student and planning to apply for the course, Summer Camp , then it would be an advantage to take the workshop series. You will be given a preferential treatment for the course application.

◇Date & Contents:
 1. Feb.15 (Wed) 15:00 – 16:00 “Why it is important to think logically for your writing”
 2. Feb.22 (Wed) 15:00 – 16:00 “How to make your writing clear”
◇Format: Zoom
◇For: All undergraduate and graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University
◇Instructor: Paul Lai, Ph.D (Director, Nagoya University Writing Center)
◇Language: English
◇more info.:

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

