TOPEvent[Let’s Talk] Let’s Talk in Japanese!/日本語で話そう!

[Let’s Talk] Let’s Talk in Japanese!/日本語で話そう!

‘Small Talk’/テーマトーク編
This is an event where you can talk about a theme, play simple language games, and casually chat in Japanese.


◇Theme:Guess What/単語推測ゲーム
◇Date:October 30 (mon), 2023, 16:30–17:15
◇Place:Learning Pod A (3F in Central Library)
‘Minecraft’/Minecraft 編
This is an event where our Japanese-speaking staff and participants can enjoy conversation in the world of Minecraft.
You can join whether you are new to Minecraft or an experienced Minecraft player! Ask questions in Japanese!

日本語スタッフと参加者が Minecraft の世界で会話を楽しむイベントです。
Minecraft がはじめての人も経験者も大歓迎です!日本語でどんどん質問しましょう!
◇Date:November 1 (wed), 2023, 16:30-17:15
◇Format:Minecraft Education
◇Place:Learning Pod A (3F in Central Library) 
◇Host:Support Desk Graduate Student Staff
    サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ
◇For:All undergraduate and graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University/

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

