TOPイベント情報スタッフ募集中 / Recruiting staffs now

スタッフ募集中 / Recruiting staffs now

詳細は こちら をご覧ください。

We are now recruiting Learning Commons staffs.
Please check the job offer here (in Japanese). 

カテゴリー: 過去のイベント パーマリンク

日本語で話そう!(Let’s Talk in Japanese!)

 All undergraduate and graduate students, faculty of Nagoya University
 サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ
 Graduate Student Support Staff

テーマトーク編 / ’Small Talk’
This is an event where you can talk about a theme, play simple language games, and casually chat in Japanese.
◇日時/Date: February 24, 2023 (Fri) 16:30-17:15
 お題(「[あ]から始まる~といえば?」など)に対して、 思いつく言葉をわかりやすく伝えましょう
 Try to explain the words you can think of related to the given subject!

Minecraft編 / ’Minecraft’
日本語スタッフと参加者が Minecraft の世界で会話を楽しむイベントです。
Minecraft がはじめての人も経験者も大歓迎です!日本語でどんどん質問しましょう!
This is an event where our Japanese-speaking staff and participants can enjoy conversation in the world of Minecraft.
You can join whether you are new to Minecraft or an experienced Minecraft player! Ask questions in Japanese!
◇日時/Date: March 3rd, 2023 (Fri) 16:30-17:15
◇方法/Format:Minecraft Education / Gather. Town
 Explanation of basic controls, gathering materials to make tools, building things, setting goals and challenging missions according to the participants’ needs.

◇詳細/more info.:
 Research and Learning Support Section, Central Library

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

Let’s Talk in English!

 All undergraduate and graduate students, faculty of Nagoya University
 サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ
 Support Desk Graduate Student Staff

テーマトーク編 / ’Small Talk’
This is an event where you can talk about a theme, play simple language games, and casually chat in English.
◇日時/Date: February 15, 2023 (Wed) 16:30-17:15
 How you spend your holidays, hobbies, etc

Minecraft編 / ’Minecraft’
英語スタッフと参加者が Minecraft の世界で会話を楽しむイベントです。
Minecraft がはじめての方はどんどん英語で質問しましょう!経験者は仲間に説明して会話力をどんどん UP させましょう!
Join us for a fun event where English-speaking staff and the participants can chat in English while enjoying the world of Minecraft. If you’re new to Minecraft, ask your questions in English, and if you’re an experienced Minecraft player, explain the game to other participants and improve your conversation skills!
◇日時/Date: February 27, 2023 (Mon) 15:30-16:15
◇方法/Format:Minecraft Education / Gather. Town
 Explanation of basic controls, gathering materials to make tools, building things, setting goals and challenging missions according to the participants’ needs.

◇詳細/more info.:
 Research and Learning Support Section, Central Library

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

Notes on Japanese Academic Writing  – experience sharing –

We are holding an event “Notes on Academic Writing in Japanese – experience sharing”, our support staff will share their experience and notes on points of writing research in Japanese through abroad study in Japan in the first half. The presentation by the support staff covers various points from the clarity of sentences to useful functions. Then we will have time for a free discussion with participants in the second half.
❊ The flow of the event is as follows:

  1. First session (20min)
    • Presentation by Support Desk Graduate Student Staff
    • Useful information distribution
  2. Second session (40-70min)
    • Free discussion for quite a long time (any concerns in Japanese paper writing)
    • Support from Japanese Speaker (Support Desk Graduate Student Staff)

We are looking forward to everyone’s participation.
Please feel free to join us and share with us
(Of course, you can join or leave in the middle of the event).
Just try it.

◇Date: February 16 (Thu), 2023   16:30‐18:00
◇Format: Zoom
◇For: All undergraduate and graduate students, faculty of Nagoya University and Gifu University
◇Instructor: Support Desk Graduate Student Staff
◇Language: English
◇more info.:

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

Logical Thinking Skills for Academic Writing

he workshop series will be conducted online via Zoom. If you are an undergraduate student and planning to apply for the course, Summer Camp , then it would be an advantage to take the workshop series. You will be given a preferential treatment for the course application.

◇Date & Contents:
 1. Feb.15 (Wed) 15:00 – 16:00 “Why it is important to think logically for your writing”
 2. Feb.22 (Wed) 15:00 – 16:00 “How to make your writing clear”
◇Format: Zoom
◇For: All undergraduate and graduate students of Nagoya University and Gifu University
◇Instructor: Paul Lai, Ph.D (Director, Nagoya University Writing Center)
◇Language: English
◇more info.:

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク

中国語会話入門 サプリ編

です。 留学生スタッフがテーマに沿って中国文化について詳しく紹介します。
・2023年2月13日(月)16:30 – 17:30 『旅行と留学』
・2023年2月17日(金)16:30 – 17:30 『中華料理の注文2』
◇講師:サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ

カテゴリー: 過去のイベント パーマリンク

让我们一起说中文吧! (Let’s Talk in Chinese!)

テーマトーク編 / ’Small Talk’
会話に自信がない人も安心!テーマについての例文を見ながら会話練習したり、作文に挑戦したり、気軽に参加できるイベントです。Don’t worry if you’re not confident in your conversational skills!This is an event where you can practice your conversation skills while looking at example sentences about the theme, try your hand at writing a composition, and chat casually with other participants.

Don’t worry if you’re not confident in your conversational skills!This is an event where you can practice your conversation skills while looking at example sentences about the theme, try your hand at writing a composition, and chat casually with other participants.

◇日時/Date: February 8 (wed), 2023, 16:30-17:15
 All undergraduate and graduate students, faculty of Nagoya University and Gifu University
 サポートデスク 大学院生スタッフ
 Graduate Student Support Staff
 Everyday conversation about university life
◇詳細/more info.:
 Research and Learning Support Section, Central Library

カテゴリー: past events, 過去のイベント パーマリンク